
Andras Kuti in the Rodel. Image: Christine Grosart

There seems to be a bit of a fad about sidemount at the moment. I'm not sure why, as most 'gurus' have rarely dived caves such as the Rodel, where sidemount is absolutely necessary.

It is not just necessary for the awkward carry (walk up a riverbed for 100 metres or so and then crawl on your belly for another 70 metres or so and then crawl/stoop the rest of the way) but underwater too.

It is actually one of the easiest to access sites in the Herault, but if you don't like Trou Madame at low water, forget this one.

I love the place.

Rich in the Rodel. Image: Christine Grosart

It is easiest to chain gear to make rapid progress to the sump and knee pads are essential.

The visibility is normally very good but a second thunder storm ruined it for this trip.

It was a milky 4 metres or so, but a good experience for Ash and Rick who hadn't dived it before.

Better conditions in 2012

I took the opportunity to try some photos and more video but the visibility was nowhere near as good as 2012.

But it was fun in any case...

Rick Van Dijk in Rodel cobble squeeze (advisable to dig it open first and keep away from the line which goes through the smallest part...)

Rich in the cobble squeeze. Image: Christine Grosart

Christine enjoying the Rodel


To the end of Garrel - by Rich Walker


Aven de Rocas